Taking Advantage of The American Banking System.

They are simple & sinister. Now it's our turn.

Hey Owners,

Do you ever wonder what banks are REALLY doing with your money?

Yes, they are trading it in the markets and leveraging it to cash flow.

Most people know about this.

We are here to talk about the secrets though.

Once you know the truth,

It’s almost always much simpler than you were thinking…..

Simple & Sinister

The banks love people who are responsible.

The people who pay their bills on time.

People who have had real skin in the game.
(Has strong credit age with high limits)

Why do they love them so much?

Because these are their prime customers.

These people get what they want from banks.

They are the most attractive customer.

These are the people who ask, and receive.

The banks tap into their reserves of cash (your money) in order to give out large loans to other institutions, businesses, & consumers of course.

Because they trust them to pay it back with the agreed terms, They strategize on how to do this in a way that mitigates risk and offers a high return.

It’s simple, yet sinister.

It’s all a game.

Credit is even funnier.

It’s complicated and sinister LOL

In all honesty,

Yes, Credit is used to target the irresponsible.

However, it’s also an incredible wealth building tool for those with already stable and growing financial lives.

I mean what other strategy empowers you with 6 figures in 0% interest intro APR money in a 2-4 week time frame?

It’s a total no brainer.

You can use that money for literally anything you want.

Of course, you should only use it if you think it will give you cash flow because that 0% period does not last forever.

Usually its an average of 12 months. However, It can range anywhere between 6-24 months.

The highest that I have personally been able to secure for my clients is 21 months of 0% interest credit.

All in all, If you are aware of what the banks are doing, You see this game for what it really is:

We are taking advantage of the American banking system and leveraging their money to increase our own cash flow.

We can use their money to scale a business or opportunity.

Or shoot, you could even go on vacation.

Whatever it is your getting funded for, I hope you get freakin rich.

Because that’s what this is all about.

No, not getting rich.

It’s about being free to pursue your passions in life without barriers.

Having no limit to the size of your dream or your willingness to create it in real time.

Moment by moment, watching your dreams unfold.

All because you decided you are worthy of receiving it, and made the decision to make choices and take actions that are in alignment with the realization of your dream.

Living the dream, while your dreaming.

No financial, mental, or spiritual barriers should keep you from living a life of unconditional love and success.

This is what we are all here to overcome for ourselves.

Whatever your dream is.

Know that it is possible for you to go for it.

You can be anything you want to be do or have in life.

Do you know that? Or do you just believe it.

Think about that.

Let’s go live a fun life, right now.

Much love, Bandrew

PS: I talk about this all much more in depth in my other platforms as well like twitter and youtube. Scroll down to check it out if you want to.

Would you be able to relieve some financial, mental, or spiritual stress if you got $150,000 in funding?

I know right, its kind of a no brainer.

If you are a subscriber of Ownership360 then you get access to book a free consultation today.

Book yours now: https://usemotion.com/meet/andrew-golden/consultation?d=15

Lets talk about how you can dream, bigger, faster, with a smile.

Ownership360 is on YouTube!

That’s right, Ownership360 is now in video and audio form available on YouTube and Spotify.

Every week I will pick some of my favorite focus topics and make a video on that topic.

You can find the YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@Ownership360
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2KnqWifCSWDhM93bDCyi4H?si=8e6ddab540ec4f91

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