Focus is a skill.

Most people live in a state of distraction. This makes it easy to get ahead.

Dear Owners,

I hope this week has been as productive for you as it has been for me.

The ability to focus and put forth massive, immediate, and continuous action towards your goals, The ability to keep your actions in alignment with your thoughts and feelings, is the missing link.

The common denominator to success will always be work.

You can say and think anything you want and yes, its important to have that in line, but if you fail to take aligned action with your thoughts and feelings, You will be just like everyone else who says they want it.

“Successful people are always to busy doing what the other guys are still talking about doing” -Kevin Trudeau

What I want to talk about today is focus.

Yes, The focus of todays letter, is focus itself.

Todays Focus: Focus is a skill.

Focus is a skill, It can be learned.

For the entire year of 2022, I spent so much time getting my mindset, routines, and skills in line for me to become a job free entrepreneur once again after learning that it would be essential for my success to learn how to show up everyday.

I did this successfully. I became a master of organization and time management.

The shortcoming was not about creating the time to work on my goals, it was about actually focusing on the things that would move me forward towards accomplishment in that time I created for myself.

I had a serious lack of focus. This was a challenge.

I wondered. “How is it that I have so much time, yet so little is getting done?”

It was because I wasn’t making it easy for myself to focus on work.

I would allow for things to easily distract me. I had my phone right next to me with notifications on. I would check instagram or another social platform whenever I “had a second to spare” and I was always procrastinating doing the tasks that I knew needed to be done, I just didn’t want to do them.

I was literally creating roadblocks to my success, and it resulted in me going broke for the better part of 2023 when I decided that I was going to go job free once again and work on my businesses full time.

I then realized that my muscle for focus was weak, I never knew it WAS A MUSCLE in the first place.

Most people exist in a state of ultra distraction. They haven’t the slightest clue of what their attention is even on during the day. It’s a life of extreme unintentionallity (i dont think thats a word but it works here lol)

Most people ALSO never take action because taking action requires getting into a state of mental focus, and they just haven’t trained themselves.

This sets the bar EXTREMELY low and makes it easy for you to come out on top.

If 80% of the population isn’t taking action at all, then all you need to do to become better than 80% of people is to focus on taking SOME action.

We can train our minds to have superhuman levels of focus. This is something I KNOW, not just know about because I have done this for myself in the last 3 months. My brain feels like it has a fat bicep pump.

You will find that a lot of the following steps (all of which are things I do) are more about eliminating distraction, rather than creating focus.

Tips and tactics to train your focus:

  • Put your phone on do not disturb and in another room when you are sitting down to focus.

  • Identify what time is best for you to focus, when you have lots of creation energy, and create a ritual around getting into a state of focus. When that time comes so you set a strong subconscious intention.
    - Things you can do: Get coffee, Listen to same binaural beat everytime, clear off desk space for a clean environment.

  • Less blinking creates more focus. When you intend to focus on something, Stare at it for 1-2 mins without blinking. You can just stare at the computer screen, then start working.

  • Wear a hat or a hoodie or both so that you can block your peripheral vision and just focus on what's in front of you.

  • It takes 6-14 mins to get into a true state of flow and warm up your focus muscles

  • You have to warm up your brain to get into a state of focus just like warming up your muscles for a workout.

  • If you feel resistance when you first start doing a task just do it for 6 mins so that you can get started and get your brain warmed up. Give yourself a chance.

  • Your body releases Acetal Colene and adrenalin when you first start to get into a state of flow so it can feel anxious when you start but those chemicals will actually help you as you continue to focus. It is your body signaling your brain to get into a state of deep focus.

  • Get excited when you feel the stress and anxiety start to build up because this means that you are getting into a state of focus.

  • Get a physical Timer and use this to

    Now if these look like notes, its because they are to be honest.

    I got all this AMAZING information from the legendary Rob Dial

    You can view the source episode here:

I hope this helps. It certainly did for me.

Thanks for reading todays edition. I have been experiencing a lot of new thoughts and emotions since moving to Tampa Florida and I am excited to dissect these new lessons, perspectives, and insights with you here on Ownership360

Stay Engaged: